Monday, November 1, 2010

He Supplies My Needs

The last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of activity concerning our Chili Dinner and Silent Auction. I wasn't really sure when I could talk about this, but I guess now is as good a time as any!

I had really been struggling with the amount of money we need to complete this adoption. $30,000 is a TON of money! I know this is what God wants us to do and I know He will supply our needs. I think I know this in my head and it is the "christian" response, but I don't know that I truly believed it in my heart.

My Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills. $30,000 is nothing to Him. One night I was praying, "God, YOU PROMISED you would supply all our needs. YOU PROMISED!" The next night we were in a car accident. Um, how does having to buy a new car help us in our adoption journey? How does it supply our need? Well, the money we received was enough to buy a used van AND pay off our remaining credit card balance. Paying off our debt was something we felt needed to be done. Now I can happily say all we have left are our student loans. God supplied in the craziest way!

A month or so later a friend came up to me and told me the Lord had really been blessing her financially and she wanted to help out our fund. She wrote us a check for $500!! I pray the Lord just blesses her socks off for helping us out! He supplied again!!

Last week, my husband handed me a card. Someone had given it to him before the service. I had no idea what it was, but inside was another $500 check! I was told later that they truly felt impressed of God to help us out. I was amazed! I just cried because look...God supplied again!

This past week our van broke down. Thankfully we had some money set aside so we would be able to pay for the repairs. A few days later we got our van back, fixed and ready to go. When we went to pay we were told that a third party had anonymously paid for the repairs and wanted it to be an adoption gift. How awesome is that?!?!? God supplied our needs.

I am so thankful that I can look back over the last few months and really see God's hand in all of this. He has made it clear that He wants us to adopt again. There is no doubt in my mind that He will supply every penny that we need to make this happen. I know that He is working on people's hearts and that just thrills me! I pray that He will uniquely bless those who allow Him to use them in our adoption journey. I am so thankful that people's hearts are open to His plan.

1 comment:

  1. God knows we are weak, and it's so great to see Him delight in proving His faithfulness over and over again. :) so happy for you three!
