Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Ant

I've been sitting here at my computer watching an ant climb up the wall.  Finding an ant (or several) in my house this time of year is not a surprise.  They have cleared the field behind our house for planting so the ants are always looking for another place to live.  I watched as he made his way up and down the wall.  I don't know what he is looking for but I imagine he is looking for a way out.  This home is not familiar to him.  This home is not his natural surroundings.  Somehow he got inside and now he wants to leave.

I didn't kill him (I normally do).  I just took him outside.  That way he could find his way back to his natural home.  The home that was created for him. 

Today I feel like the ant.  Searching for a way out.  Trying to find the solution to my predicament.  The last few weeks have been so overwhelming emotionally in my life.  I can't go into details right now and I wouldn't bore you with it anyway but my heart hurts.  I have struggled to keep my head above water and I just don't feel like I can swim anymore.

Satan is battling our family.  He has worked hard to destroy us before, but this time we are doing battle on behalf of our son.  I have never been more convinced that God has something so amazing planned for that little boy.  I don't know what it is, but it is enough for Satan to feel threatened.  He won't win.  God is in control. 

I'm so thankful that when I don't have the strength to fight I can go to my Father and He can give me the rest and strength that I need to carry on.  I am so thankful that when I am weak, He is strong.  I am thankful for the people He has put in our lives to pray over us when we just don't have the words to say. 

Do you have days, weeks or even years like that?  Just trying to make it through the day?  Let me encourage you to go to the Father, seek His face, allow Him to be your strength and rest in Him.  Then keep on.  Don't give up.  He has a plan for you and it is amazing.

So, like the ant I will keep moving forward.  I will keep searching for the answers that I need and pray for wisdom as we continue on and maybe, just maybe, God will pick me up and put me right where I need to be.

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