Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Since September

September.  That was the last time I posted on this blog.  It hasn't been because I didn't want to it has been because I can't seem to type out the words in my heart.  I have several posts that I have started and never finished.  Some about life, some about what God is teaching me and some about adoption.

The Lord has been leading our family into new adventures and sometimes that means giving up others. Not others as in people but as in other adventures.  He has laid before us our biggest adventure yet but I have a feeling this one is small compared to what is to come.  I will be honest.  I'm hesitant to share our current adventure and to share what adventures have come to an end.  Mainly because every day something else changes.  Nothing is really set in stone.  Some days I don't know which end is up.  While I'm loving every minute of it, I'm struggling with it as well.  Holding on to the hand of the Father for dear life is where I stand now.  Knowing that "He's got this" and I don't have to worry makes it a little easier.

So in the meantime, we continue to wait or a birth mother to choose us and I am working on plans to start another blog.  Life is crazy around here, but it is about to get amazing!

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