Friday, June 17, 2011

My Daddy

My Dad and his crew on Trent's Adoption Day

I never really considered myself a Daddy's girl until I went to college.  I am the oldest, I'm very independent and there was a time when I thought I knew it all.  I left home at 18 to go 9 hours away to college and I was ready to be on my own. 

My Mom and my Gram took me to BBC because my Dad had to stay and work.  In all honesty, I went to BBC because of my Dad.  He took me there to visit the school (it was his alma mata) and I told him there was no way I was going there.  He encouraged me to try out for a Vocal Scholarship (which I received) and told me about this singing group that BBC had that travelled and it would help pay for my schooling.  I think he was trying to find the cheapest way to get me through college and I was thinking TRAVELLING!!  I didn't look at any other school.  I made the travelling team and thanks to my Dad I graduated debt free. 

When I got to college, I realized I wasn't so independent and I needed my Daddy.  I'm pretty sure I talked to him on the phone every day and we had the phone bill to prove it.  My Dad was my biggest encourager during those days.  Whether he knows it or not, the whole point of pushing myself through school was so that he would be proud of me.  I wanted to say that I graduated from the same school my Dad did.  It was a heritage that I needed in my life.

My Dad has always been there for me.  I am exactly like my Dad in so many ways!  He put up with more than he probably should have but in his wise way he showed me what being a good, loving parent looked like.  He taught me how to think for myself and not take other people's word as truth.  He taught me to search the Scriptures and to place all my faith in Jesus.  He taught me that sacrifice for your children is of upmost importance and that even though I'm 34 he will always be my Daddy and I will be his little girl.

So, Happy Birthday Daddy AND Happy Father's Day!  I wish I could come over and see you but I promise to call!!

1 comment:

  1. Great tribute to your dad...he must be very proud to have you for a daughter.
    I’ve been following and enjoying your blog for a while now and would like to invite you to visit and perhaps follow me back. Sorry I took so long for the invitation.
