Thursday, April 7, 2011

When God Closes a Door

When God closes a door, He always opens a window.

I first heard these words spoken by the Reverend Mother on the Sound of Music. While not scripture, these words have held truth that I believe even Solomon would find fascinating. To me these words mean that even when things don't work out the way we want them to, God has a plan and He is working it. Besides, His plan is ALWAYS better than mine!

These words have proven true over and over in my life. Right now my life revolves around my husband and son but it is also focused on adoption and fundraising. Most of my doors and windows revolve around these 4 items. I look at every opportunity that comes along and consider the affect it can have on our life. I consider the positive and negative and make my decision.

Yesterday, I heard about a job with company I currently work for. I LOVE being a Wilton Method Instructor and I hope to spend many happy years with Wilton. I was very excited to learn of this position and knew that I would love it and do a great job. I also viewed this as an opportunity to bring in a little bit more money to help us become debt free. I quickly sent in my resume and received an email listing the qualifications of this position. Sadly, I did not meet the requirements. I was so sad. I was really excited about this possibility.

Not long after that, I received a message from a friend placing an order for some Easter items. A little bit later I received a phone call for a possible wedding cake. Wow! God closed the door on a job to make more money, but He provided me with 2 ways to put some money toward our debt instead! I could have wallowed in self pity and the old me would have done that. But I realized that even though God had closed the door, He had opened a window.

Doors close and windows open all the time. It seems constant in the world of adoption. Stress happens and things don't always go the way we plan them. It is ok. God is in control and He is working His plan for His glory. All I need to do is climb through that window.

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