I have been thinking lately about how my life will change when we add 2 more children to our family. I know that I cannot even begin to realize the difference, but change is coming ready or not. This change won't just affect me but it will affect Scott, our dog and especially my little man. He will suddenly have to share Mommy and Daddy with two new people.
My little man is used to being the center of attention. What only child isn't? We get to do so many fun things now that there are only three of us. It isn't that we won't get to do fun things later, they will just be different and cheaper! I cherish the time I have with that little guy because I know it won't last forever.
I have always worried about having more children. I wonder if I can love them as much as I love my little man. It seems that my heart is so full all ready that I think it will burst when the other 2 come home. Other mothers tell me I have nothing to worry about. That my love will just expand. I am thankful that love has no limit. I am thankful that love just keeps growing. At least I plan on it because we don't plan to stop after we adopt these two!
In all my thinking I have realized that it is time to prioritize our life. Time to write down the goals we have for our family and our kids. Time to discard of some things and either replace them with others or remove them all together. I guess that means learning to say no. I am not very good at that because I never want to say no to anyone. I like being busy all the time, but being busy takes away from my first job: being a wife and mother. I have to learn to say no even to the things I want to do. It isn't that the things I do are bad, they just don't seem to be helping us reach our goals. I guess it is like a church. You can have so many programs and they aren't bad, but are they really helping you reach the ultimate goal? (insert soapbox!)
Over the next few weeks things will be changing in the Todd household. The change may be tough but it will be so worth it when we bring our other 2 home and we are able to focus on all 3 little lives God has placed in our care. So please, don't be offended if we tell you no. We just have to do what is best for our family at the time. It is no reflection of you or what you ask. We just have to make our family a priority because that is what God has called us to do.
I'm all for saying no. :) You go, girl!